Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today I want to talk about Anonymous. I want to talk about what I think should be done about Anonymous.

For those not part of Scientology who may read this, know that Anonymous is a hateful organization of people who have been attacking the Church of Scientology as well as many other hapless targets online. They started in on us back in 2008 and we have suffered persecution from them ever since. I started this blog because Scientology mangement has failed to handle Anonymous and I feel it is time for new leadership. I am hoping to inspire current and future Scientologists to push for new leadership of the Church as well as to educate the public about our plight. If you are religious at all, you should know that you will be next on their list. Anonymous is made up of severely degraded beings who hold hate for anything and everything. They scream and shout at us when we go into or come out of our Church. They hold up mocking signs full of false data about the Church and they make obscene phone calls to the front desk and hand out papers full of lies and false accusations against the Church.

This is having a terrible affect on us and some people have even walked away due to their harassment. Worse some have even believed their lies and joined with them. Those I hold no sympathy for. They had to be against Scientology to begin with to walk over and join those people. We do have infiltrators inside, mostly psychs and others paid by the medical profession. However I am not so sure that all those kids out front are paid. I think some of them are just there to attack something, anything.

I have been doing research on Anonymous to think of ways to combat them and I have found some horrifying things.

They have these "chans" or websites that they congregate on and plot attacks against groups like Scientology. Most of their stunts are extremely childish and border on insanity. The worst was a man who attacked Scientology in New York covered in vaseline and private body hairs. I nearly got sick watching it and was appalled that there are people out there who are this degraded. It struck me as something a bunch of college kids would do after using drugs and I would say that there were certainly drugs involved in that attack. Worse, they continue their hate campaigns against other groups as well with racist and degrading attacks against many people.

I have located many of their online dens and am appalled at the things I have seen there. Why these sites are not shut down is just beyond me to answer. This is what Scientology leadership should be doing. We need to cut off the comm lines for these people, keep them from organizing their attacks. This has not been done. Unfortunately we have wasted a lot of time and let Anonymous damage us. It may already be too late. I had been making inroads with a man who is moving up in politics. I had been letting him know all the good thing Scientology can do. Just recently, he has told me he is not going to even mention Scientology, because right now it is politically bad to be seen as involved with us. I asked him why and he cited all the negative press and articles. Scientology is becoming seen as a bad thing by those who don't know the truth about it, and the lies of Anonymous are becoming accepted as fact by people without research. Had we acted sooner, we could have prevented this. Now we have lost an ally who is on his way to making big government policy because he is afraid to be seen with us. This is unbelievable, but it is true.

Anonymous must be shut down. There is more at stake than Scientology, but the youth of the world. Kids are looking up to Anonymous, talking like them, and worse acting like them. Let me give you some examples of what kind of sites children are being led to and what kind of degraded content they are being shown.

4chan - A website laden with cartoon and real pornography and no age restrictions to view it. Some parts of the site are full of racist and violent suggestions and is where they plan out their "raids" on people both on the internet and off. This is where the attacks against Scientology started in 2008.

12chan - Child pornography, openly on display to the world. Absolutely criminal that this site is not shut down and every member in prison.

7chan or 711 chan - Lots of attacks planned here, these people are even worse than 4chan. Never seen such hate and degradation in my life.

420chan - One of the worst, this site is all about drug and how to abuse them. Here you can ask advice on where to get and how to use drugs. Children are taught how to steal from medicine cabinets or how to get drugs from their doctors. This site is the dream of the psych and medical industry, who is willingly selling so these kids can get high.

F-chan - I found this one in my searching and it is full of bestiality porn and can only exist to push sex with animals. The pornagraphy here is even worse than that on the other chan places and is often grossly distorted. I could not stand to look at it for long without feeling sick.

So now you can see why Anonymous must be stopped. These chan sites need to be shut down before they ruin an entire generation. The plug must be pulled on this depravity once and for all. Scientology can help these children and we need initiatives online to bring children on the lines and to protect them from the horrors out there. This is what our leadership has failed to confront and to handle. We have influence and a strong voice. We must use it while we still can to convince the government to stop Anonymous once and for all.


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  23. Er, bit of a giveaway that Anon. Bloggers can of course Delete comments on their own blogs, they don't replace them with 'This post has been removed' notices!
